Scaffolding Hire Leicester Based Choices – Tower Scaffolds

Scaffolding hire Leicester based options naturally depend on the type of project you’re undertaking. For example, for small maintenance tasks to a residential or commercial property, then a tower scaffold might be the best option. This provides an excellent alternative to a ladder, providing a safer environment and the ability to work on larger areas. When you’re looking at scaffolding Leicestershire wide companies, be sure to choose one that offers tower scaffolds, rather than supplying you with scaffolding equipment you don’t need in order to complete your project.

So when might you need tower scaffolding? It is the best option for building maintenance jobs such as window repairs, painting exterior walls and checking the paint and security of window frames. These are all tasks that could require an individual to be up a ladder for a long period of time. The longer you spend on a ladder attempting to undertake a task, the more chances there are of an accident occurring. A ladder must also be frequently moved in order to get the job done, increasing the risk. A tower scaffold allows you to cover more of the external area at once, ensuring fewer equipment moves. Furthermore, unlike a ladder, scaffold tower hire Leicester options allows the operative to keep the tools and equipment they need at hand, rather than having to mount and descend from a ladder multiple times.

All Access Scaffolding Limited are the premier scaffolding Leicester based company supplying tower scaffolds across the county. All our scaffolding options have been developed with our clients in mind, and we can respond to all unique requests for scaffolding towers or other scaffolding options. We also keep our scaffolding hire prices Leicester based as low and affordable as possible. To enquire about our scaffolding tower hire options, why not take a look at our website at You can also call our office direct on 0116 224 5334 to discuss your scaffolding needs with one of our experts.